Site 1: Devils Stones (1a)
Situated at the outskirts of Osnabrück and despite their industrial surrounding Devils Stones are amidst a scenic clearing in a pine forest. Their alternative name “Lehzenstones” is based on a present given to Konsitorialdirektor Lehzen in 1822. The grave is 12 x 2 metres in size and has six bays. It is quite well preserved; only one orthostat and one capstone are missing. The surrounding stone circle is incomplete.
Site 1: Gretesch Stones (1b)
In the past this grave was named „Hermannstones“ or “Dicke Steine”(Fat Stones), but today it is mainly known after its location in the Osnabrück suburb of Gretesch: “Gretech Stones”. Situated majestically on the banks of the Belm creek, its picturesque shape underlines its reputation of being one of the outstanding archaeological testimonies of the Osnabrücker Land. Most orthostats and capstones are still there, only those of the north-westerly narrow side at the slope are lost. The grave probably never had an enclosure.
- Directions for PDF-download:
- Devils Stones (1a)
- Gretesch Stones (1b)